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Sunday 11 September 2011

9/11 anniversary: Live coverage

Key points

  • US embassy in Afghan capital Kabul starts ceremonies
  • The US and UK hold remembrance services
  • New York's National Memorial to be unveiled
  • Live text

    1. 0949:
      In Tokyo, Japan, families gather to honour the 23 Fuji Bank employees who died in the World Trade Center attacks. Flowers are laid in front of an enclosed glass case containing a small section of steel retrieved from the twin towers.
      0949: Kathleen Carroll, in New York,
      emails: I believe my view of life changed irrevocably that awful day and week as news of old friends came through, watching each day and night the black smoke coming out of the WTC. The losses are still incalculable and sadly for too many rescue workers ill-health plagues them.
    3. 0942:
      Members of the American Eagles rugby team, who opened their World Cup campaign in New Zealand on Sunday, earlier attended a memorial service in the town of New Plymouth.
      USA rugby player Takudzwa Ngwenya
    4. 0941:
      Former US President George W Bush, meanwhile, has already paid his respects to the fallen. Yesterday, as a national memorial was inaugurated in Pennsylvania to the 40 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93, he said: "One of the lessons of 9/11 is that evil is real - and so is courage."
    5. 0936:
      The US president unveils the National September 11 Memorial at the site of the World Trade Center later. But the common term for the site - "Ground Zero" - should be dropped, according to New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. The BBC News website Magazine section
      0934: Cathy, Atlanta, USA,
      emails: I was living in Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, UK, at the time of the 9/11 attacks. I heard the news from a shopkeeper. I rushed home to watch the news. The next day I went to London. I stood at the American embassy with hundreds of others. I wandered over to Buckingham Palace and watched the crowds. The American flag was flying and the Queen returned while I stood at the fence. I was alone in a foreign country needing other Americans to connect with during those first few days.
    7. 0934:
      Deputy US ambassador Barbara Stephenson lights a candle at Grosvenor Chapel in central London.
      Deputy US ambassador Barbara Stephenson
    8. 0933: Aleem Maqbool BBC News, Abbottobad
      reports from the Pakistani garrison town where Osama Bin Laden was killed by US special forces in May. He says Pakistanis fiercely criticised after his death have been quick to point out the sacrifices the country has made since 9/11 as they fought militants and suffered suicide bomb attacks.
      "Rightly or wrongly most Pakistanis blame the US and its policies since 9/11 for the levels of violence and the huge changes in their society. Anti-American feeling now is higher than ever," he says.
      0922: Victoria Ro, Sterling, Virginia USA,
      blogs: I decided to write down my memories of the day, ten years on, and my emotions regarding this Sunday. I was working opposite Trinity Church, just south of the twin towers, as an intern during my Gap year on the day of the attacks.
    10. 0921: Ashima Kadyan
      Light show in Manhatten. Photo: Ashima Kadyan
      sent photos of the Twin Towers tribute in lights that took place last night in downtown Manhattan.
    11. 0919:
      Also in Kabul, General John Allen, the commander of the international force in Afghanistan, adds: "Nearly 3,000 innocent people were dead. The attacks were an act of inhuman brutality and terrorism on a scale not seen before. On that day we lost mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. We lost people of many nations and of many religions. Today we remember and we honour them all."
    12. 0917:
      US ambassador Ryan Crocker tells those gathered at the US Embassy in Kabul that the victims of extremism would never be forgotten. He says: "With our military colleagues we remember our soldiers - American, Afghan and coalition - who along with their police brothers and partners have made the ultimate sacrifice in this fight. They did not die in vain; their sacrifices made America, Afghanistan and the world a safer place."
    13. 0912:
      For a reminder of how events unfolded on the fateful day 10 years ago, we have put together a detailed timeline of events.
    14. 0904:
      More powerful words from Canon Rosenthal: "We must always remember and pray for the dead and remember those who have to watch these scenes day after day and hour after hour on the news. People who have lost relatives friends, family. But we also want to try to help people understand that there must be reconciliation ... any terrorism, any sense of bringing God into killing is an abomination."
    15. 0856:
      About 30 families of British victims attend a remembrance ceremony in the September 11 memorial garden next to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square, London. Leading the service, Canon Jim Rosenthal says: "Remembering such horrific scenes is not easy." But doing so, he adds, "gives us the opportunity to take hold of the past and transform it to reach out with grace, understanding and healing".
    16. 0855: Luis Romero
      sent the BBC some photos of memorial ribbons placed at Ground Zero.
      "Remember to Love" inscribed on ribbons. Photo: Luis Romero
    17. 0854:
      US officers bow their heads during a moment of silence as they remember the victims of 9/11 at the US Embassy in Kabul.
      US officers observe a moment of silence in Kabul
    18. 0851:
      Sixty-seven Britons died in the 9/11 attacks. Among them was Kevin Dennis, who was working on the 101st floor of the north tower. His mother, Patricia Bingley, tells BBC News: "When the second tower went down I knew I'd lost him, I just knew. I just want to keep his memory alive, and with Grosvenor Square, with the anniversary, I lay a rose for him and then I call his name and that's his day."
    19. 0847:
      More from Sir Ken Knight, who led a delegation to New York in the immediate aftermath of the attacks 10 years ago: "It was a staggering and very sad loss for the fire sevice in New York but actually worldwide, it's a great family the fire service."
    20. 0843:
      A US flag that was draped over firefighters' remains, and toe rings that miraculously saved a woman's life, are among the 9/11 mementos described by six people in one of our anniversary features. Hear the stories here.
      0833: Mandi Roberts, Morgantown, West Virginia, US,
      emails: I was in the eighth grade and school pictures were being taken that morning. I was wearing a shirt with the US flag on it for my photo. When I got back to band class, the TV was on and video feed of the towers going down was shown. I didn't really understand what had happened; I'm not sure I do now, either.
    22. 0833:
      A ceremony later at Bagram airbase will go ahead despite rocket attacks on the base on Saturday night. Two rockets were fired at the base, the largest US military site in Afghanistan, between 1900 and 2100 local time (1530-1730 BST) on Saturday.
    23. 0832:
      New York firefighters who died in the attacks numbered 343. Sir Ken Knight, who is the British government's Chief Fire and Rescue Officer, says today is "particularly poignant for firefighters". "The fire service around the world is a very large family and we face the same hazards and the same risks and the same challenges," he says.
    24. 0830:
      Some 2,000 people are expected to attend a "Remembering With Hope" service at St Paul's Cathedral in London at 1100 BST. It will also mark the 20th anniversary of the Firefighter's Memorial Trust.
    25. 0825: Stars and stripes: Patriotic images from across the US
      From his office in Stamford, Connecticut, Robert Carley saw "billowing smoke" coming across Long Island Sound on 9/11. Shaken by the events, he embarked on a 10 year project to "hunt down" patriotic tributes that use the stars and stripes to celebrate America. Here is some of his along with his story.
      Lifeguard hut with American flag. Photo: Robert Carley, taken in Florida
      Top tweets
      RIP 9 is currently trending on Twitter. @daviesefc tweets: RIP 9/11 victims, can't believe it's been 10 years since it happened. @play_nate tweets: 10 years already! was too young to understand the severity and the grief of the incident then, but I understand it now. RIP 9/11 victims.
    27. 0815:
      A sculpture recalled New York's twin towers at the ceremony at the US embassy in Kabul. The work had been created out of debris from the World Trade Center.
      Ceremony at US embassy in Kabul
    28. 0813:
      A congregation has gathered at the Grosvenor Chapel in London - sometimes known as the American Church - and considered the centre of American worship in London. Families who have lost loved ones will attend a service of remembrance and reconcilitation shortly in which a candle will be symbollically lit in the middle of the church.
    29. 0806: Mike Solomons
      comments on the story: My thoughts today are with the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this and all other terrorist acts wherever they took place and by whom.
    30. 0806:
      US President Barack Obama has written for the UK's Sunday Mirror newspaper, saying 9/11 "was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity and hopes that we share". But he says that, in the aftermath, "the world came together as one". He continues: "We are touched that the UK will honour the victims again today - including by breaking with protocol and flying the Union Flag at half-mast at its ­embassy and consulates in the United States." Read the article 
    31. 0805:
      The US embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul has started the ceremonies, with the US flag lowered to half-mast.
    32. 0800:
      We'll be covering a day of special services of remembrance to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11 2001.
    33. 0756:
      Hello and welcome to live coverage of the commemorations of the 10th anniversary of 9/11.





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