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Thursday 7 July 2011

Newspaper review: NoW hacking claims dominate papers

The latest allegations in the News of the World hacking saga once again fill the frontpages of the papers.

Disgusting, appalling, sordid, immoral and revolting were just some of the words cited by MPs.
BskyB 'jeopardy' The  describes Rupert Murdoch's newspaper operations in the UK as having been "engulfed" by "a positive tsunami of fresh claims".
If all the allegations are true, the
And also: "Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Broadcasting Code and very possibly Newton's Laws of Motion."
Mr Murdoch's bid for outright control of BSkyB is now "in jeopardy", it adds.
Police pressure The 
It thinks waving the merger through "would be extraordinary now", while the  agrees the deal is in turmoil as the "sky falls in on Murdoch".
The  thinks "it could be weeks" before the government decides whether or not to approve the takeover.
The paper points out it is not just the press who have been put "in the dock" by the scandal - but the police too.
Priceless Potter The mood of the papers improves when they turn their attention to the final Harry Potter film, which receives its premiere on Thursday.
Its critic found the concluding battle "thrilling".
The Sun hails the "terrific movie... a great British success", saying "there were tears flowing and wailing in the aisles".
Meanwhile, the Mirror declares it "the end of an era".


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