A look at the first editions with James Rampton of The Independent
The UK's decision to recognise rebels in Libya as the north African country's "sole governmental authority" is widely covered in Thursday's papers.
The Daily Mirror says it is the latest "feeble effort" to pressurise Col Gaddafi, who shows no sign of going. Simon Tisdall, in the Guardian, says the UK has simply come into line with the US, France, Italy and other allies with the US, France, Italy and other allies.
And the Daily Telegraph fears the policy looks like the start of a process to partition Libya.
Egypt 'divided' The decision by the UK to free Libyan funds to the rebels for humanitarian needs is "welcome if overdue", according to the Sun.
But the Daily Mail reports there is concern that the money will be used to buy arms.
Writing in the Financial Times, the paper's Middle East Editor, Roula Khalaf, says the move towards democracy in Egypt is in "crisis".
The old elite and young revolutionaries are divided, she says.
Heavy medal All the papers report on Wednesday's events to mark a year until the start of the 2012 Olympics.
A photo of British medal hopeful Tom Daley as he performs the first official dive at the Aquatics Centre adorns the front page of the Guardian.
And the medals capture the attention of the Daily Mail and the Sun.
The Mail says they are the biggest Olympic medals ever produced, while the Sun reports that they "dwarf" the medals handed out at the London Olympics of 1948.
Utoya youth A photograph of dozens of teenagers gathered on the island of Utoya, a day before a massacre took place on the Norwegian island, covers a double page in the Independent.
Most of the youngsters in the image are white, but there are also black and Asian youngsters.
The youth wing of Norway's Labour Party says the people in the photograph were "fighting for justice, equality and against racism".
And the party has vowed to return to Utoya.
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